Monday, June 2, 2008

Tales from the Pump

What a great headline! This month's Cookie magazine (one of my favorites) has an article about Pumping called "Express Yourself" (p.26) which lists some fantastic tips I only wish I had known while I was in the midst of all of this. And online they've got some stories (Tales from the Pump) you can relate to about pumping in public--good for a quick laugh. The one tip they're missing? A Bebe au Lait nursing cover is fantastic as a pumping-cover! We know this from the 100s of moms who have emailed us making sure we knew it could be used to create your own pumping-cocoon when a private place can't be found. According to the Cookie Magazine poll, 35% of their readers had to find a random, empty room to pump in--wouldn't that cocoon have been nice for them?! Enjoy. ARTICLE LINK

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